Patrouille, the favourite animated series for toddlers, takes young viewers on thrilling adventures alongside Ryder and his brave puppies. From the beginning, this dynamic team has shown team spirit and bravery to save Adventure Bay and its inhabitants.
Patrol’s licensed products allow children to relive the high points of their canine heroes and learn the importance of friendship, solidarity and responsibility. Each character, with his or her unique skills, inspires children to become heroes in their everyday lives.
With Patrol, immerse yourself in a world of adventure and camaraderie, where every mission is an opportunity to learn while having fun.
You can buy our products on online platforms such as Amazon and, as well as in pharmacies and physical specialist shops. We regularly offer promotions and special offers on our products, available both online and in-store.
Yes, the safety and quality of our products are our absolute priority. All our products undergo rigorous testing and are dermatologically tested to guarantee their safety and effectiveness. Our products are certified Vegan, not tested on animals, and contain no toxic ingredients.
Yes, many of our products are designed to be gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. However, we always recommend that you read the labels and instructions for use, and do a sensitivity test if you have any specific concerns.
Yes, we offer gift kits and sets containing a selection of our most popular products. These kits are ideal for birthday presents, parties, or simply to discover our products in a thematic way. You can find them on Amazon,…
Absolutely! At Take Care, we think of the whole family. Our products are formulated to suit all ages, from toddlers to adults. You’ll find products to suit everyone’s specific needs, from gentle products for children to make-up for teenagers and advanced anti-ageing skincare for adults.
No, we do not test our products on animals. We are committed to an ethical and animal-friendly approach to all our products.
Our customer service team is here to help. You can contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on 01 43 99 60 00. We are available to answer all your questions and solve your problems from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.
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